Saturday, October 14, 2023

Cybernetic Theory: Information Physics, Quantum Cosmology, Simulation Metaphysics

"The Cosmos is within us. We are made of star-stuff. We are a way for the universe to know itself." -Carl Sagan


the intellectual landscape of scientific inquiry, explanatory theories serve as foundational frameworks that offer more than mere descriptive accounts; they elucidate the underlying principles and causal mechanisms that govern observed phenomena. Unlike purely mathematical models, which may adeptly characterize patterns or statistical correlations, explanatory theories confer ontological insights into the 'how' and 'why' of natural processes.

Friday, June 23, 2023

Meta-Cybernetics: Does the Physics of Information Reveal the God's Hand?


“What we call the past is built on bits.”  John A. Wheeler



hen molecular biologists talk about genetic code or sociologists talk about cultural memes as epigenetic information, it’s by far more intuitive than when physicists say that what we perceive as solid matter, energy, and even space-time continuum itself is information as well. Morse code, a streaming movie on-demand, or pixels on your smartphone’s screen could be easily understood as information, on the other hand, if you catch a cold or fall in love with someone, it doesn’t seem to have anything to do with information. But contrary to popular belief, that’s the worldview many physicists are now embracing.

Thursday, March 9, 2023

The Future of Consciousness: How Singularity Could Change the Way We Experience Life


"I am not a thing a noun. I seem to be a verb, an evolutionary process an integral function of the Universe.―Buckminster Fuller



he era of Technological Singularity is expected to trigger profound changes in both social and technogenic structures. The introduction of Artificial General Intelligence (AGI), that can be both disembodied and embodied as smart robots, will bring about a multitude of issues, including human unemployment or underemployment, ethical considerations regarding the treatment of robots, the challenge of managing their runaway superintelligence, and most importantly, harnessing the potential of human-machine convergence.

Tuesday, December 20, 2022

Cyberhumanism: Our Future Prospect of Self-Divinization


"Having invented the gods, perhaps we can turn into them.” Alan Harrington

​So, what is Cyberhumanism? What might be the Code of Reality? Do we live in a simulated multiverse? Can we cheat death and live indefinitely long? What mind-uploading may look like in the future? Can we become cybergods in our own ultrarealistic virtual worlds? 

In a nutshell, Cyberhumanism is my version of posthumanism when happens a mass migration of minds to the metaverse triggering some kind of phase transition to the planetary consciousness. It is when the posthuman era begins in earnest. 

Wednesday, April 20, 2022

Cybernetic Theory: Interpretive Model of Everything We Call the Universe


“It is human to search for the theory of everything and it is superhuman to find it.”  ―Kedar Joshi


The Cybernetic Theory of Mind, or the CTM model, aims to unify relativistic and quantum physics by treating space-time and mass-energy circumstantially either as quantum or digital information, and thus, it becomes a valid quantum gravity contender. In this sense, Cybernetic Theory can be also labeled as quantum information theory, or "It-from-Bit-from-Consciousness" if you will. Consciousness and information are two sides of the same ontological coin: In fact, consciousness is a totality of cybernetic feedback loops and information is the "modus operandi" of consciousness.

One of the core insights of Cybernetic Theory is that not only is space-time one single substrate (as in Einstein's relativity), but the fabric of reality is a unified informational substrate – space-time-mass-energy – emergent from reversible quantum computing at large, or code translated to us free-willing agents as our conscious experience. Our perceived external and internal worlds as well as dreams are code-based data streams.

Saturday, January 29, 2022

The Omega Singularity: The Cosmological Projector of All Possible Timelines


“From the light came light, and from the dark came darkness, but from whence did they appear? Yin and Yang combine to create all things, but which is the source, and which was born from it?” 
Qu Yuan

Everything is Code. Immersive [self-]simulacra. We all are waves on the surface of eternal ocean of pure, vibrant consciousness in motion, self-referential creative divine force expressing oneself in an exhaustible variety of forms and patterns throughout the multiverse of universes. “I am” the Alpha, Theta & Omega – the ultimate self-causation, self-reflection and self-manifestation instantiated by mathematical codes and projective fractal geometry. 

In my new volume of The Cybernetic Theory of Mind series  The Omega Singularity: Universal Mind & The Fractal Multiverse  we discuss a number of perspectives on quantum cosmology, computational physics, theosophy and eschatology. How could dimensionality be transcended yet again? What is the fractal multiverse? Is our universe a "metaverse" in a universe up? What is the ultimate destiny of our universe? Why does it matter to us? What is the Omega Singularity?

Wednesday, December 22, 2021

Cybernetic Immortality: Why Our Cyberhuman Future is Closer Than You Think

"We are not stuff that abides, but patterns that perpetuate themselves."  -Norbert Wiener

By definition, posthumanism (I choose to call it ‘cyberhumanism’) is to replace transhumanism at the center stage circa 2035. By then, mind uploading could become a reality with gradual neuronal replacement, rapid advancements in Strong AI, massively parallel computing, and nanotechnology allowing us to directly connect our brains to the Cloud-based infrastructure of the Global Brain. Via interaction with our AI assistants, the GB will know us better than we know ourselves in all respects, so mind-transfer, or rather “mind migration,” for billions of enhanced humans would be seamless, sometime by mid-century.

Evolutionary Emergence: From Primordial Atoms to Living Algorithms of Artificial Superintelligence

  “Complexity is not just a feature of evolution; it's a product of the rules of emergence that govern the universe.” — Neil deGrasse Ty...

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