Wednesday, April 20, 2022

Cybernetic Theory: Interpretive Model of Everything We Call the Universe


“It is human to search for the theory of everything and it is superhuman to find it.”  ―Kedar Joshi


The Cybernetic Theory of Mind, or the CTM model, aims to unify relativistic and quantum physics by treating space-time and mass-energy circumstantially either as quantum or digital information, and thus, it becomes a valid quantum gravity contender. In this sense, Cybernetic Theory can be also labeled as quantum information theory, or "It-from-Bit-from-Consciousness" if you will. Consciousness and information are two sides of the same ontological coin: In fact, consciousness is a totality of cybernetic feedback loops and information is the "modus operandi" of consciousness.

One of the core insights of Cybernetic Theory is that not only is space-time one single substrate (as in Einstein's relativity), but the fabric of reality is a unified informational substrate – space-time-mass-energy – emergent from reversible quantum computing at large, or code translated to us free-willing agents as our conscious experience. Our perceived external and internal worlds as well as dreams are code-based data streams.

Saturday, January 29, 2022

The Omega Singularity: The Cosmological Projector of All Possible Timelines


“From the light came light, and from the dark came darkness, but from whence did they appear? Yin and Yang combine to create all things, but which is the source, and which was born from it?” 
Qu Yuan

Everything is Code. Immersive [self-]simulacra. We all are waves on the surface of eternal ocean of pure, vibrant consciousness in motion, self-referential creative divine force expressing oneself in an exhaustible variety of forms and patterns throughout the multiverse of universes. “I am” the Alpha, Theta & Omega – the ultimate self-causation, self-reflection and self-manifestation instantiated by mathematical codes and projective fractal geometry. 

In my new volume of The Cybernetic Theory of Mind series  The Omega Singularity: Universal Mind & The Fractal Multiverse  we discuss a number of perspectives on quantum cosmology, computational physics, theosophy and eschatology. How could dimensionality be transcended yet again? What is the fractal multiverse? Is our universe a "metaverse" in a universe up? What is the ultimate destiny of our universe? Why does it matter to us? What is the Omega Singularity?

Wednesday, December 22, 2021

Cybernetic Immortality: Why Our Cyberhuman Future is Closer Than You Think

"We are not stuff that abides, but patterns that perpetuate themselves."  -Norbert Wiener

By definition, posthumanism (I choose to call it ‘cyberhumanism’) is to replace transhumanism at the center stage circa 2035. By then, mind uploading could become a reality with gradual neuronal replacement, rapid advancements in Strong AI, massively parallel computing, and nanotechnology allowing us to directly connect our brains to the Cloud-based infrastructure of the Global Brain. Via interaction with our AI assistants, the GB will know us better than we know ourselves in all respects, so mind-transfer, or rather “mind migration,” for billions of enhanced humans would be seamless, sometime by mid-century.

Tuesday, November 16, 2021

Evolutionary Cybernetics 101: Gaia 2.0, Web 3.0

“We are not the stuff that abides, but patterns that perpetuate themselves.” Norbert Wiener, The Human Use of Human Beings: Cybernetics and Society

In my recent online interactions, I was asked by Arend van Campen and Jelel Ezzine to define cybernetics in my work. Here I decided to expand on my explanation a little bit and provide you a few useful links. For a basic definition, cybernetics can be defined as a multidisciplinary approach to study evolutionary processes and feedback-driven systems of control between animal and machine. My chosen field, evolutionary cybernetics as well as my chosen philosophical discipline, philosophy of mind, both are aimed to investigate this new human-machine paradigm.

Tuesday, October 19, 2021

Holo Syntellectus: Are We Evolving into a New Cybernetic Species Interlinked into the Global Mind?

"When we look through the other end of the telescope, however, we can see a different pattern. We can make out what I call the One Mind — not a subdivision of consciousness, but the overarching, inclusive dimension to which all the mental components of all individual minds, past, present, and future belong. I capitalize the One Mind to distinguish it from the single, one mind that each individual appears to possess." -Larry Dossey

Are we evolving into a new species with hybrid thinking, interlinked into the Global Mind? At what point may the Web become self-aware? Once our neocortices are seamlessly connected to the Web, how will that feel like to step up one level above human consciousness to global consciousness?

Monday, September 27, 2021

Where Do We Fit in the Cosmic Scheme and Where Are We Headed?


"The Universe begins to look more like a great thought than a great machine.” James Jeans

Today's machine learning already employs combined elements of cognitive architectures, evolutionary computing and neuromorphic engineering. Post-singularity superintelligence could have complete access to their own source code  a level of self-awareness presently beyond human capability. That would allow our future syntelligence to create myriad virtual worlds right out of our own superimagination. This scenario might have already happened elsewhere and we can’t completely rule out a possibility that we’re part of that kind of simulated reality right now. At the same time, we ourselves are moving towards the point of 'Theogenesis' where we can rightly call ourselves cybergods.

Saturday, August 7, 2021

AGI: How to Ensure Benevolence in Synthetic Superintelligence (Part III: Conclusion)

*Image: Shutterstock

"For 130,000 years, our capacity to reason has remained unchanged. The combined intellect of the neuroscientists, mathematicians and… hackers… pales in comparison to the most basic A.I. Once online, a sentient machine will quickly overcome the limits of biology. And in a short time, its analytic power will become greater than the collective intelligence of every person born in the history of the world. So, imagine such an entity with a full range of human emotion. Even self-awareness. Some scientists refer to this as the Singularity, I call it Transcendence." -Dr. Will Caster (Johnny Depp, Transcendence, The Movie 2014)

Creating a digital mind, “artificial consciousness” so to speak, from scratch, based on simulation of the human brain’s functionality would be much easier than to create the whole brain emulation of a living human. In the book “How to Create a Mind: The Secret of the Human Thought Revealed” (2012) Ray Kurzweil describes his theory of how our neocortex works as a self-organizing hierarchical system of pattern recognizers that well may be our starting basis for machine consciousness algorithms. The human brain and its interaction with the environment may be simulated to approximate the functioning of the human brain of an individual living in the pre-Singularity era. Simulation may be satisfactory if it reflects our history based on enormous amount of digital or digitized data accumulated since the 1950s to the present.

Evolutionary Emergence: From Primordial Atoms to Living Algorithms of Artificial Superintelligence

  “Complexity is not just a feature of evolution; it's a product of the rules of emergence that govern the universe.” — Neil deGrasse Ty...

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